Meeting the Seki Knife as a Professional Chef


Meeting the Seki Knife as a Professional Chef プロの料理人、関の包丁と出会う

“What should I make for today’s staff meal?”       「今日の賄いは何にしようかな?」

In a small Italian kitchen in Tokyo, skilled chef Sato opened the refrigerator. His eyes, sharp as those of a professional cook, scanned the various ingredients.


One day, while sourcing supplies, he happened to pick up a Seki knife. The beautiful curves and finely honed blade captivated him instantly.


“This is… not just any knife.”              「これは…、ただの包丁じゃない」

When he tried cutting a tomato, the sharpness was astonishing. It sliced through like butter. The cross-section of the tomato was remarkably beautiful, highlighting its juicy red color.


“I’ve never experienced such sharpness before.”      「こんな切れ味、初めてだ」

Sato was completely enchanted by the weight of the knife. Holding it felt as light as playing an instrument. A sense of unity with the ingredients emerged, elevating the joy of cooking to a new level.


One day, a customer remarked, “Today’s dish has a deeper flavor than usual.”


“I changed my knife,” he replied.             「包丁を変えてみたんです」

The customer listened with keen interest as Sato began to explain about the Seki knife.


“Seki knives are crafted using techniques from Japanese sword-making. That’s why they have exceptional sharpness and can cut without crushing the ingredients. Plus, their durability is impressive.”


The customer listened intently to Sato’s story.


From that day on, Seki knives became indispensable in Sato’s kitchen. He used a deba knife for fish, a sashimi knife for tuna, and a santoku knife for vegetables.


“Seki knives are not just cooking tools; they’re partners for chefs,” Sato explained.

「関の包丁は、単なる調理器具じゃない。料理人にとってのパートナーなんだ」 佐藤さんは、そう語る。
